338 Union Avenue
Rutherford, NJ 07070
Mon Tues Thurs 8 AM - 8 PM
Wed Fri 8 AM - 6 PM
Sat 8 AM - 2 PM

Ages Birth to 2 Years
Birth: Hep B
2 months*: DTaP, IPV, Hib, Prevnar, Rotavirus, Hep B
4 months*: DTaP, IPV, Hib, Prevnar, Rotavirus
6 months*: DTaP, IPV, Hib, Prevnar, Rotavirus
9 months: Hep B
12 months: MMR, Varivax
15 months*: Dtap, IPV, Hib, Prevnar
18 months: Hep A
24 months: Hep A
* We use Pentacel, which combines DTaP, IPV and HIB into one vaccine to minimize the number of injections
Ages 4-11 Years
4-6 years**: DTaP, MMR, IPV, Varivax
10 years: Tdap, Meningitis
12 years+: HPV9
16-18 years: Meningitis
College Freshmen: Meningitis serogroup B
** We use Quadracel, which combines DTaP and IPV, into one vaccine, and Proquad, which combines MMR and Varicella into one vaccine, to minimize the number of injections
Note: We also offer an annual flu vaccine beginning from 6 months of age, with the first dose consisting of 2 boosters